OpenPension provides an insight into the investment policy of pension funds in Israel, including their risk management and asset allocation.
BudgetKey gives access to the national budget and budgetary transfers. On the BudgetKey website you can delve into the hidden clauses, follow all the adjustments and transfers, and compare between budgets of different years.
OpenKnesset opens up the Knesset legislative activity to the public. On the OpenKnesset website you can track bills, analyze voting patterns, check committee attendance rates, search through committee and plenum transcripts, and rate Knesset members and parties according to their adherence to different agendas.
Open Law Book makes the updated, combined and interlinked text of the Israeli laws available to everyone. The website is built on the Wikisource platform and provides an open, free and accessible alternative to the commercial subscription-based legal databases.
Kikar Hamedina aggregates all the Facebook activity of the Knesset members. You can follow all politicians in one place, find out which posts were most popular, what issues recieved most attention, and even perform discourse analysis of the politicians’ rhetoric.
OpenTaba shows interactive municipal zoning plans, where one can find information about the future construction plans in a given area and subscribe for all the latest local planning updates.
DemOS is a tool for managing democratic communities such as political parties,cooperatives, local committees etc. It provides an online platform for leading structured discussions, setting agendas, voting and more, increasing public participation in decision-making process.
AskData is a portal for submitting Freedom of Information requests to various authorities. The responses are tracked and presented publicly on the website.
ANYWAY is an interactive map which plots road accidents in Israel. It also provides a tool for online discussion of dangerous localities to motivate the local community members to take collective action and fight road accidents.
Under Construction
OpenPress is an API ( interface for developers to create applications and websites on top of an existing database) for the National Library’s historic collection of Hebrew newspapers. It also enables search engine indexing of the databases making it much more accessible to the public. The API allows to develop smart searches,data visualizations and more.
OpenTrain analyzes the data of the arrival and departure times of the Israel Railways trains. Its goal is to publicly monitor Israel Railway’s performance, and encourage it to disclose train data and improve its services.
OpenMuni presents the budgets of local authorities in a way that the budgets can be compared across different authorities and multiple years.
Open Comptroller collects all Reports related to the State Comptroller: Comptroller Reports, Prime Minister’s Tracking of Comptroller Reports, Investigative Committees and more.
Open Ministerial Committee discloses the votes of the members of the Ministerial Committee for Legislative Affairs in the Knesset. This is where the decision whether the government will support a piece of legislation or not is taken, and yet its protocols and voting records remain closed to the public.
Open Bus project analyzes real-time data regarding the arrival of buses at stations (similar to “OpenTrain”) and generates insights regarding accuracy and overcrowding of the lines.
The Little Birdie is a service to receive content updates by e-mail from the Workshop’s projects.
Citizens 4 Cities documents local social grassroots campaigns related to housing, to improve accessibility to municipal planning information and facilitate engagement of the residents in the municipal planning projects.
Open Police makes ‘quality-of-life’ and property crime data accessible (from the Israel Police statistics). In addition, it will present the statistics of emergency calls. These statistics can help indicate the level of trust in the Police in different communities, as citizens will be inclined to report a crime only if they believe they will receive an appropriate and effective response. All the statistics, collected over the past 4 years, will be displayed over the local districts and municipalities, allowing us to see the spread of events classified as threatening the public order, the public security, and property, in all the municipal districts in Israel.
Open Environment project displays air quality data, allowing the public to monitor air quality trends in different areas.
Revolving Doors links information on the appointment of public officials with data about corporate executives, to map the social networks and identify special interests.
Hackita02 projects with the National Library
Education in the Nation – A mobile app for watching the historical video collections of the Education Channel in the National Library.
The Hebrew Singer – A mobile app for accessing to the music collections found in the National Library.
Visualizing the Catalog Search – visual search in the National Library Catalogs.
Map in Time – A tool to access to the map collections in the National Library.
LibraryWiki – Is a Wiki-like platform for the National Library catalogs.
Whose Face? – applies machine learning for facial recognition in the National Library’s photograph collections.
Map in Time – A tool to access to the map collections in the National Library.
Trail Stories – An app that integrates content from the National Library on hiking trails around the country.
Local Q&A is a tool created to increase participation in the local elections of 2013. It allows every citizen to submit a question to be answered by local representatives.
The Trachtenberg Tracker tracks the execution of the government resolutions as stated in the Trachtenberg Committee report – a report submitted by the government following the 2011 Tents Protest.
The Data Warehouse is a simple infrastructure for the use of websites that display public data.